NSS DIARIES 2022 – Episode 2

The weeks are riding away. This week, we focus on the activities of each day in the tiny health facility. Our NSSP sent us mail about lateness and gaps in productivity. Let us get into it.

Before I left y’all last week, I mentioned that something juicy was brewing at my department. Well, I’d have to disappoint you guys because the parties involved have decided to be bigger people. I’m still gonna give you deets. So this is what happened – there are two people designated to run the night shift, a guy and lady. They are fond of coming to work late, the lady especially. That fateful Thursday night, she arrived an hour late. The person from the afternoon shift she delayed got stranded because of the lack of means of transportation since it was late. She then sent the night shift lady a voicemail threatening to report her habit of reporting to work late. The night lady claimed she fired back and I thought things would escalate. Well, I was wrong.

Let’s circle back to me and what happened this week. I was on morning shift throughout. On Monday I woke up at 8:42 am and got to work at 10:10am so I prayed my boss won’t be at the department. My prayers were answered in the sense that he wasn’t at the department. However, he was at the Administration Office and he saw me come in late anyway. The administration office is where we clock in. He didn’t question me at that moment. He waited until we closed work although he let it go with a warning. Henceforth, I have to inform him if I would be late. Usually, people are about 20 minutes late but this was a whole 2 hours for a morning shift. I was no different from the night shift lady. But it was just this once?

No it wasn’t. Tuesday too I was a bit late. I got off lightly though. Additionally, by close of shift it hit me that I’m overworked. I put in so much effort with no rest and even on my off days, I have to worry about my mum who is ill. But is there much I could do to remedy this situation? I don’t have answers.

Wednesday was the birthday of one of my colleagues but unfortunately I was off duty so I didn’t get a portion of the pizza. I visited my mom and we cooked together. She wanted to help even when her body was screaming in pain. I was also sore and whimpered most of the time.

On Thursday,my boss surprised my colleagues and I with frosty bite ice cream. In addition, he gave my colleague who had celebrated her birthday a large bottle of soda, a platter of baked cookies and some cupcakes. Oh how we ravished them.

Friday was uneventful. We had only a few patients. I was able to catch up on episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19.

Saturday morning shift was just like Friday’s. I was sleepy for the most part. Yet, I couldn’t sleep despite wanting to because it isn’t good work behavior. Not that the actual employees ever cared for good work ethics.

I was off on Sunday. I visited Mama again to check on her.

This is how my week went. I start Laboratory work on Monday, so wish me luck. I’m getting worn out from how much I have to do and to top it off, my account is almost empty. I hope we are paid soon. Our salary areas now from February till now. I am just fortunate to have a supportive father who supplements my meager salary that doesn’t even come

This is where I leave you but do wait for me at the end of the week as I correspond now from the lab…Thank You

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